719 Darwin St Santa Cruz, CA 95062
719 Darwin St Santa Cruz, CA 95062
List Price: $1,349,000 | Sq Ft Lot: 8,233
A tremendous opportunity! Planning and Building Permit requirements have been completed for a three-story 6 unit project (4 two bedrooms with two baths and 2 one bedroom with study). Each two bedroom unit is 1200SF+, and each one bedroom unit is approx 862SF. There is ground floor covered parking with 2 EV charging spaces and 1 handicap space. Overhead storage lockers are provided in the parking area as well. There are enclosed stairwells located at the East and West ends of the structure plus an enclosed elevator planned from the parking area to the roof deck. There is a landscaped deck on the roof that’s approx 2400SF. The project is a stylish modern design and meets all code requirements for new construction and includes solar installation. This is a rare opportunity for an approved development project in the Seabright area located on the East Side of Santa Cruz City close to the Ocean, Twin Lakes Beach, Harbor, Municipal Wharf and Boardwalk Amusement Park as well as restaurants, shopping, coffee, grocery stores, post office, public library and abundant public transportation in close proximity. Due to recent code changes, one could explore modifying the project to include natural gas and eliminate the parking and add additional units (SROs?).
2998 Glen Canyon Rd Scotts Valley, CA 95066
2998 Glen Canyon Rd Scotts Valley, CA 95066
List Price: $9,200 | Acres: .867
“Calgon, take me away!” We call this property Sleeping Dragon because the creek bed has a rock formation that looks like the head of a dragon that is sleeping in the Carbonera creek. It’s a magical setting, straight from Rivendell and the Lord of the Rings. This is a watering hole like no other. A hidden gem conveniently located within the Scotts Valley City Limit. The soil is soft and fertile if you want to grow your own food or plant flowers or fruit trees. There were plans to build but they have since expired and we believe it’s too cost prohibitive and challenging to build a home. The dream now is to attract a steward of the land who just wants to enjoy a getaway or perhaps have your own whimsical garden. There’s a 1/3 interest in the neighboring well, so there’s some water for gardening. If you buy it and are able to build, then hats off to you.
Use this link for Touring Instructions: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/kvbcox8ij05rma3niiw5u/ABif0hoBkkrijFvFAfRv2Yk?rlkey=x755ww4gqt24gck1suiurtkce&st=g1jgmqj0&dl=0